Scouting for me in my youth was with Pack 3118 of the Chicago Area Council. I remember having a lot of fun, winning many Pinewood Derbys and sleeping in a teepee during an Iroquois District Pow Wow at Marquette Park. Cub Scouts was a great experience for me as a kid who loved adventure and being outdoors. Unfortunately due to family circumstances beyond my control, I could no longer participate after receiving the Arrow of Light as a Webelo.
My adult experience with Scouts started in 2001 when I was first called to be an Assistant Varsity Scout Coach with Team 700 in the Chief Seattle Council. There in North Bend, Washington, I served for six consecutive years. Even though I hadn't quite caught the vision yet, we spent a lot of time camping, hiking and enjoying the Cascade Mountains.
After moving to Utah in 2007, I was informally involved with Scouting as my twin boys entered the program. It wasn't until 2009 that I attended Wood Badge, caught the vision and was called to be our Troop's Scoutmaster in February 2010. I also became an adult member of the OA in 2012 and attended the National Jamboree in 2013 and again in 2017.
I love the Scouting program and what it does for both youth and adults. My wife would ask who I'm really married to, her or scouting, but I can't help feeling a strong sense of responsibility to be actively involved in developing our future leaders, husbands, fathers and my potential son-in-laws. I'm grateful for the sacrifice my family makes for me to be involved. Even though it feels like a second job at times, the pay is personal and the reward priceless as I hope these boys become Eagle Scouts, receive their Endowments and serve honorable missions.
I am proud to be a scout and would feel privileged to someday be known as a lifelong scouter.
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to use the contact page.